First-Year Students
First-year students at CMU are required to live on campus. As an admitted first-year student, you can begin the housing application once it becomes available on April 1, your admissions deposit has been processed by the University, and you have activated your Andrew account.
How to Apply
All first-year students must submit the online Housing Application and Housing Contract. First-year students who were admitted off of the admissions waitlist should submit the Housing Application and Housing Contract as soon as they have accepted their admission.
Before you start the application, make yourself familiar with your first-year housing options and how to set up your Andrew ID.
Residents who are under the age of 18 when completing the application will need to have a parent or guardian electronically sign the contract on their behalf. Be sure to allow extra time before the application deadline to have your parent or guardian complete this form.
Housing applications are not complete until a signed Housing Contract is received by Housing Services and you have received a confirmation email. Once your application is complete, you will no longer be able to make changes to your application, so make sure that your requests and preferences are final before submitting your contract.
When you first log into the Housing portal to apply for housing, you will see your “Classification” listed in the left-hand menu. All first-year students — whether a traditional first year or a CFA transfer — should see the “New First-Year” classification. If you see a different classification listed, please email us.
Setting Up Your Andrew ID
In order to apply for housing, incoming students need to activate their Andrew ID. You can learn more about activating your Andrew ID on the Now That I Am Enrolled website.
Once you have your Andrew ID, you can log into the housing application.
Questions about your Andrew Account? Email Computing Services (
First-Year Housing Assignments
At Carnegie Mellon, the room assignment process is thoughtful, personal and intentional. The goal is to match roommates with the most potential for a successful roommate relationship. Housing assignments are also based on a number of other factors, including:
- Your building and room type preferences
- Your personal/lifestyle preferences
- Your roommate requests
- Space availability in your preferred buildings
- When you completed your housing application
First-Year Room Assignments
Once you are assigned to a room, you will be able to view your specific room assignment and roommate information via Student Information Online (under the My Info tab). Assignment information is usually released the first week of July. When your assignment information is available, you will receive an email with your building name, your room or apartment number, the room rate, and your roommate's name and Andrew email address.
Students who submit their housing application after the May 25 deadline may not receive a housing assignment during this first release and should contact Housing Services to learn the status of their housing application.
We do not process room change requests for first-year students over the summer. The formal room change process begins in mid-October or once all first-year students assigned to temporary housing have been assigned a permanent assignment. First-year students who wish to change rooms at that time can submit an application for the room change waitlist.
Roommate Matching & Selecting Your Own Roommate
Selecting Your Own Roommate
We love when students select their own roommates. If there is a particular person that you would like to live with, make sure to do the following:
- Start your Housing Application as soon as you have access to do so, and work through up to the "First-year Roommate Groups" page of your application. Getting to this page adds you to the pool of prospective roommates, and also allows you to see other prospective roommates who have also reached this page of the application. Do you not proceed past this page until your roommate selections are finalized and confirmed!
- Already know who want to live with? Follow these steps:
- Trade Andrew IDs and click on the "Search for Roommates by Andrew ID" option.
- Enter the Andrew ID of your roommate and click "Search." As long as they have also reached this step of the application, your intended roommate should show up as your only search result. (In order to find your roommate, you both must have started your housing application and completed the Roommate Profile step. If your roommate didn't complete this step of the application yet, ask them to let you know once it's complete, so that you can go back into the application to request each other.)
- Click "Request to Join Group." This will send a request to the person, and they will return to their application and "Accept" your request. Roommates can request and confirm each other through the Housing Application.
- Once you are both listed as confirmed roommates on the main "Roommates" page, you can then both continue your individual applications.
- Not sure who want to live with yet? Follow these steps:
- Use the "Search for Roommate by Profile Details" (allows you to search based on specific profile questions) or the "Suggest Roommates for Me" (shows best percentage compatability)links. Your results will show name and age, as well as the "about me" description if provided. You can then click "View Profile" to see their responses to their profile questions.
- If you find someone you think might be a good match, use the "Send Message" button to send a note and to start a conversation outside of the portal. Do not do a direct request for their person at this point, until you've both decided that you want to live with each other.
- Once you've messaged and mutually confirmed that you wish to be roommates, one person should use the "Request to Join Group" or "Invite to Group" options, which will send a direct request to that person.
- Your roommate then needs to accept that request, and you will be confirmed roommates. Once confirmed, you can both complete your individual applications.
- Note: On the "Room Preferences" page, make sure that the building and roommate type preferences match for both you and your roommate. Be sure to talk to your roommate in advance, so that you can rank all of your preferences the same.
- Complete your application before the May 25 deadline. After May 25, it is unlikely that we will be able to assign you with your requested roommate, even if you both request each other.
- Submit any medical documentation to Disability Resources if you need an accommodation by May 25th for priority consideration.
Please note: We do not send individual notification emails when roommates leave a room, or a new roommate is assigned, as students leave the university and assignments change frequently over the summer. Residents are encouraged to occasionally check their housing information in SIO after July 1 to see if any changes occur.
How Housing Services Assigns Roommates (for those who don't select their own)
Let Housing Assign Your Roommate:
For students who do not select their own roommate, housing's roommate matching program uses the responses from the lifestyle questions in the housing application to match roommates. When matching roommates, we consider a number of factors:
Your Lottery Number – We process room assignments in batches, starting with the students with the lowest randomly generated lottery numbers. If you have a low lottery number, it’s pretty likely that your roommate will, too.
Your Lifestyle Preferences — On your housing application, you are asked to answer a few questions about your lifestyle. When possible, we try to match you with a roommate who has similar lifestyle preferences to yours.
Your Building Preferences — We know that your building preferences are important, so we try to assign you with a roommate who wants to be in the same buildings as you. Because some buildings are more popular than others, many buildings will fill up before we are able to process your assignment. If this happens, we consider your other preferred buildings. If all of your preferred buildings are filled, we make a decision based on other criteria such as your room type preferences and your roommate's building preferences.
Your Room Type Preferences — While the vast majority of first-year students will be assigned to a double room or apartment, there are a small number of triples and quads available. Due to the popularity of triples and quads, we usually fill these spaces exclusively with students who request them. Likewise, there are only a handful of singles available for first-year students and these usually fill up very quickly.
Housing Services does not discriminate in any way in regards to roommate matching (race, religion, sexual preference, etc.).
Temporary Housing & Open Assignments
Due to the high demand for housing on Carnegie Mellon's campus, Open Housing Assignments and Temporary Housing
Temporary Housing
Each year, a small number of incoming first-year students may be assigned to temporary housing spaces in Donner House, Mudge House, or lounge space in Morewood E-Tower. (Morewood E-Tower lounge spaces are set up with as many as five
After all other spaces are filled, incoming students with the latest lottery numbers will be assigned to temporary housing. Within the first few weeks of the fall semester, a permanent assignment is identified and residents are notified of their assignment and asked to select a move date. Housing Services will coordinate with the student to help move their belongings to the new space.
While every effort is made to assign temporary housing residents to permanent spaces in first-year areas, that is not always possible. Temporary residents are not permitted to decline their permanent assignment but may sign up for the room change waitlist. All residents assigned to temporary housing will be required to move to a permanent assignment once one becomes available.
Once a permanent assignment is identified, the student account will then be adjusted to reflect the cost of the new room rate, prorated based on the date of the move. Students are responsible for the cost of their permanently assigned room.Temporary housing residents should be aware that many university housing spaces have higher room rates than the "semi-suite double" rate. We are not able to guarantee a specific room rate for your permanent assignment, and residents and families should be prepared for the possibility of a higher room rate than the initial standard double charge.
Open Assignments
An Open Assignment means that you are guaranteed
In order to assist with financial aid budgeting, all residents who receive an Open Assignment will notice an initial room charge on their student account equal to our semi-suite double room rate. This rate will be prorated accordingly once a permanent space is identified. In some cases, students will be assigned to a permanent space that is less expensive than the prime double rate; in other cases, the permanent assignment may cost more. Residents will be notified of their new room as soon as the assignment is made.
All residents who receive an Open Assignment will be updated regularly throughout the summer as we identify permanent assignments. You will be notified of your move-in location and whether it will be a permanent assignment or a temporary space via an email the day prior to Move-In.